TurCoMDat-Turkish Construction Materials EPD/LCA Database

Developed by the LCA and Database experts Metsims Sustainability Consulting, TurComDat is life cycle assessment database for Turkish construction materials. The data sets follow the international standards and norms and formatted to be used in building environmental performance assessment. It is developed to address the need for measurability of environmental performance of buildings. The database is developed with the financial support SÜRATAM – The Turkish Centre for Sustainable Development Research and Design, and is available for access. 

TurCoMDat fulfils data quality requirements of EN 15804 for product-level environmental data and is applicable to building-level environmental assessments using EN 15978:2011 standard. Datasets are presented in ILCD EPD/LCA format and in compliant to InData format, International Database for international open data network for sustainable construction. Datasets for each product is available on 24 indicators at 17 life cycle stages and it is the only yet comprehensive database available for the Turkish market.

For more information on TurComDat : www.turcomdat.com

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UKCoMDat-United Kingdom Construction Materials EPD/LCA Database

Developed by LCA consultants Metsims Sustainability Consulting, UKCoMDat lists construction products that are available in the UK market. The datasets follow international standards and norms and are formatted to be used in building environmental performance assessment. UKCoMDat was financially supported and distributed by the UK Ecolabel Centre, an initiative to promote ecolabelling in the United Kingdom.

UKCoMDat fulfils data quality requirements of EN 15804 for product-level environmental data and is applicable to building-level environmental assessments using EN 15978:2011 standard. Datasets are presented in ILCD EPD/LCA format and in compliant to InData format, International Database for international open data network for sustainable construction. Datasets for each product is available on 24 indicators at 17 life cycle stages and it is the most comprehensive database available for the UK market.

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EUCoMDat-European Construction Materials EPD/LCA Database

Developed by The EPD Registry™, EUCoMDat contains construction products that are manufactured and marketed in the European market. The database follows international standards and norms and is formatted to be used for building environmental performance assessment or any other applications. EUCoMDat is financially supported and distributed by The EPD Registry™.

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WoCoMDat-World Construction Materials EPD/LCA Database

Developed and sponsored by The EPD Registry™, World Construction Materials EPD/LCA Database (WoCoMDat) is the only database that covers construction products from all over the world. WoCoMDat is developed to facilitate and bring measurability into green building assessment schemes worldwide. The database follows international standards and norms. WoCoMDat is being developed with the financial support of The EPD Registry™. It is available to be utilised for many applications.


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If you are interested in developing country specific or regional databases, please get in touch with us for further information.

The EPD Registry™ web service allows users to access all digital data and databases. Please get in touch with us with your requirements.