The products analyzed for this EPD are rated as structural grade material suitable in construction applications. Steel rebar is used as a tension mechanism in concrete structures, to help preserve the concrete as it is compressed. The purpose of the…
Uniplan Eco TDR is a fast drying, fibre-reinforced, dust-reduced, selv levelling, cement based mortar for levelling og concrete and wooden floors where early covering is required. Digital…
Bi-component mortar is a bonding material that integrate construction materials into a single element. Mortar must be strong, durable and capable of keeping the wall intact. Mortar also must help to create a water resistant barrier. In the case of…
Thistle SprayFinish is a gypsum undercoat plaster for use on low-suction backgrounds. With a final coat of Thistle MultiFinish, Thistle SprayFinish provides a smooth, inert, high quality surface to internal walls and ceilings, and a durable base for…
Stopemortel B20 and Stopemortel B30 are dry mortars containing cement and fillers used for small areas, for both internal and external surfaces. Products are well suited for mortaring U-blocks, for foundations and as mortars for natural stones. …
Cement based ceramic tile adhesive mortar with reduced slippage and extended retention time. The product is used for the adhesion of coating materials in wall dimensions up to 25×40 cm and ceramic tile dimensions up to 33×33 cm…
Cement based, elastic adhesive with reduced slippage and high adherence for large size coating applications such as ceramic, granite ceramic, marble, natural rock and porcelain. Resistant to temperature changes, water and frost. …
Cement based, elastic adhesive with reduced slippage, high adherence and elongated workable time for large size coating applications such as ceramic, granite ceramic, marble, natural rock and porcelain. Resistant to temperature changes, water and…
Cement based, practical, manually applied gas concrete masonry mortar, containing workability enhancing chemical additives. The product is used for the adhesion of construction elements such as gas concrete and brick on vertical surfaces of indoor…
Cement based, elastic, rapidly freezing/ hardening adhesive with reduced slippage, high adherence for large size coating materials such as cement based ceramic, granite ceramic, granite, marble, natural rock and porcelain. Resistant to temperature…