The products referred to are components and building elements in various formats made of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC).
AAC is classified as a porous, steam-cured, lightweight concrete.
AAC products can be manufactured to various raw densities but are produced using the same manufacturing technology. When comparing products of various compressive strength classes, formulation differences are apparent, whereby the preliminary products used are always identical.
The AAC 2-0.35 product selected for the Declaration represents the product in the lowest raw density class while the AAC 8-0.80 product represents the highest gross density class among the AAC masonry units manufactured by H+H Deutschland GmbH. An average for the AAC 2-0.35 product is formed by weighting in accordance with the annual production volume at the three locations. The AAC 8-0.80 product is only produced at one location (Wittenborn I).
Application: Precision blocks, precision elements and precision panels for masonry, load-bearing and non-bearing walls. Not designated for unprotected use.
This EPD has been registered under the scope of mutual recognition between Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) and The International EPD System.
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