Stopemortel B20 and Stopemortel B30 are dry mortars containing cement and fillers used for small areas, for both internal and external surfaces. Products are well suited for mortaring U-blocks, for foundations and as mortars for natural stones. …
This EPD is related to three different External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS) with three different EPS boards: KLIMAEXPERT ETA AIR steam sintered expanded polystyrene KLIMAEXPERT ETA AIRPLUS expanded graphite polystyrene sintered steam…
Officina dellAmbiente S.p.A, located in the municipality of Lomello (PV) in Italy, performs the treatment and recovery process of special hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, mainly bottom ashes derived from municipal incineration plants. …
Isotex s wood-cement blocks are products used for the construction of load-bearing wall systems. The product s range of thickness varies from 20 to 44 cm and an insulation layer of EPS with graphite can be inserted to improve their thermal…
Topcem Pronto is a pre-blended ready-to-use mortar with normal setting and controlled shrinkage based on a special hydraulic binder and graded aggregates. Digital EPD
i.idro DRAIN is special concrete manufactured by Italcementi characterized by high water draining capacities of more than 1000mm/min as per tests carried out by the Milan University of Science and Technology (Politecnico di Milano). This innovative…
Ultaplan, Ultraplan Eco, Ultraplan Maxi and Novoplan Maxi are ultra-fast drying self-levelling compounds, used in interior for levelling and smoothing differences in thickness from 1 to 30mm) on new or existing substrates, preparing them for the…
This EPD refers to construction products hot rolled structural steel bars and wire produced at Acciaierie di Sicilia plant placed in Catania (Italy), with electric arc furnace route starting from post and pre consumer steel scraps. The homogeneous…
Divisorio D200 is a vertical EPS panel with galvanized steel sections which run inside to provide mechanical resistance. These panels can be used both for interior and exteriors and in private and industrial buildings.” H2Wall is a vertical…